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Objective D: Minimising the impact of cyber security incidents

Principles under this Objective D1. Response and recovery planning Putting suitable incident management...
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The principles of supply chain security

Introduction The guidance will provide organisations with an improved awareness of supply chain...
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C1. Security monitoring

Principle The organisation monitors the security status of the networks and systems supporting...
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Objective C: Detecting cyber security events

Principles under this Objective C1. Security Monitoring Monitoring to detect potential security problems...
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B2. Identity and access control

Principle The organisation understands, documents and manages access to systems and functions supporting...
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A1. Governance

Principle The organisation has appropriate management policies and processes in place to govern...
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Objective B: Protecting against cyber attack

Principles under this Objective B1. Service protection policies and processes Defining and communicating...
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NIS Directive: Top-level objectives

Introduction The implementation of Article 14 of the NIS Directive is described via...
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Supply chain security collection

Proposing a series of 12 principles, designed to help you establish effective control and...
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III. Check your arrangements

  10. Build assurance activities into your supply chain management Require those suppliers who...
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Objective A. Managing security risk

Principles under this Objective A1. Governance Putting in place the policies and processes...
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IV. Continuous improvement

  11. Encourage the continuous improvement of security within your supply chain Encourage your...
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B1. Service protection policies and processes

Principle The organisation defines, implements, communicates and enforces appropriate policies and processes that...
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Introduction to the NIS Directive

General Introduction What does the NIS Directive cover and when will it...
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D1. Response and recovery planning

Principle There are well-defined and tested incident management processes in place, that aim...
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A4. Supply chain

Principle The organisation understands and manages security risks to networks and information systems...
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Supply chain security: 12 Principles infographic

This guidance has been produced to help organisations gain and maintain control of...
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D2. Lessons learned

Principle When an incident occurs, steps must be taken to understand its root...
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Assessing supply chain management practice

  Good Bad Develop partnerships with your suppliers. If your suppliers adopt your approach...
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B5. Resilient networks and systems

Principle The organisation builds resilience against cyber-attack and system failure into the design,...
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I. Understand the risks

Until you have a clear picture of you supply chain, it will be...
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A3. Asset management

Principle Everything required to deliver, maintain or support networks and information systems for...
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A2. Risk management

Principle The organisation takes appropriate steps to identify, assess and understand security risks...
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II. Establish control

Once you gain better control of your supply chain you will be able...
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Assessing supply chain security

The idea is to give you some concrete examples of good and bad...
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The NIS Guidance Collection

Introduction The EU Directive on the security of network and information systems (NIS)...
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Example supply chain attacks

Outlined below are examples of supply chain attacks that illustrate the challenges organisations face. Attacks...
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B4. System security

Principle Network and information systems and technology critical for the delivery of essential...
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C2. Proactive security event discovery

Principle The organisation detects, within networks and information systems, malicious activity affecting, or...
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Lenovo Fixes Hardcoded Password Flaw Impacting ThinkPad Fingerprint Scanners

Lenovo said nearly a dozen ThinkPad and ThinkCentre laptops contain a hardcoded password...