Wait, what…? Another Windows 10 guidance update!
I know what you're thinking... summer's over, Halloween is around the corner-ish, the...

EUD Security Guidance: Windows 10 – 1803
About this guidance This guidance has been updated to cover the 1803 “April...

Facebook’s security is so bad it’s surprising Zuckerberg hasn’t deleted his account
Facebook missed serious holes in their security system. Their incompetence warrants outrageLess than...

The leaky pipe of secure coding
National Coding Week celebrates how software development is no longer the privilege of...

Five questions for boards to get on their agenda
To be a company director you are expected to ask the right questions of...

You asked…we delivered! The Small Business Guide now has an actions list
Back in October we launched the Small Business Guide (SBG), our quick and easy-to-understand...

Board toolkit: five questions for your board’s agenda
CISOs and technical teams are one of the greatest assets any organisation has, and...

NCSC advice for British Airways customers
Who is this guidance for? Customers of British Airways (BA) who have used...

Rating hackers, rating defences
Today we often struggle to articulate how difficult it is to compromise a given...

Helping charities protect themselves…6 months on
Back in March this year, our report on the threat to charities found that charities were falling...

Security and usability: you CAN have it all!
An old security joke goes like this: User: “How can I secure my...

MDM managed Windows 10 – going from ALPHA to Better
Domain Controllers, SCCM, Active Directory, Group Policy, and ... err ... Pain, are all...

EUD Guidance: Windows 10 (1803) with Mobile Device Management
About this guidance This guidance has been updated to cover the 1803 "April 2018...

Protecting system administration with PAM
Remote system administration provides powerful and flexible access to systems and services. But, with...

Two-factor authentication (2FA); new guidance from the NCSC
Today the NCSC has published new guidance that describes how to set up two-factor...

Setting up two-factor authentication (2FA)
This guidance explains how you can set up two-factor authentication (2FA) on your...

Our commitment to the CCP scheme
Alive Alive-O Recently, I've been challenged by several people, concerned that the NCSC hasn’t...

NCSC advice for Reddit users
Who is this guidance for? Anyone who has had an account on the...

Updated Chrome OS and Ubuntu Guidance
We've just published our latest Chrome OS and Ubuntu guidance. These are both substantial updates, so in this post...

EUD Security Guidance: Ubuntu 18.04 LTS
This guidance was developed following testing on devices running Ubuntu 18.04 LTS. It's important to...

On EUD Guidance and version numbers
I've received a few questions lately about what you should do if we don't have EUD...

Developing the cyber security profession – have your say!
Over the last few months, a team drawn from DCMS and the NCSC has been...

Improving government, one bit at a time
The NCSC's Active Cyber Defence programme - a series of initiatives designed to...

New NCSC report highlights threats to the UK legal sector
Like most businesses, law firms are increasingly reliant on IT and technology to...

Import data, not malware
Today we've released a cornerstone of the NCSC's security architecture practice - our...

Can we manage our cyber risks?
It can sometimes feel like cyber security is just too complex for us to...

Pattern: Safely Importing Data
Introduction Computer systems rarely exist in isolation - they often need to interact...

My cloud isn’t a castle
You may have noticed from my previous blogs, or the talks I’ve given, that I’m...

Learning to love logging
We have just published some guidance which highlights the importance of logging, and...

Introduction to logging for security purposes
Introduction Logging is the foundation on which security monitoring and situational awareness are...