For the majority of people calling insurance companies isn’t the most favoured activity. The insurance industry is one of the least innovative areas for customer experience. This is changing however and artificial intelligence (AI) is now playing a great role in this change. AI technology has the potential to disrupt the insurance industry and revolutionise consumer experience. Muers/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/ServiceteamITLogo250.pngEmma Muers2018-05-22 14:58:072018-05-22 14:58:07How AI can revolutionise the insurance sector
Everyone has the right to protection of personal data, but the incoming GDPR regulation defines personal data as; any information that could be used, on its own or in conjunction with other data, to identify an individual. However, does the GDPR definition of personal data mean that we should delete all of our business and consumer emails to be compliant?
Xero Two-Factor Authentication (Xero 2FA): We’ve covered the notion of two-factor authentication (2FA) and multi-factor authentication (MFA) before, especially how you MUST enable it for all sensitive accounts. Personally I include ALL users.
Dog collars to toasters are connected as part of the Internet of Things (IoT), with experts predicting that by 2020 more than 50% of new businesses will run on the IoT. However, cyber security and privacy are the biggest challenges for IoT, collecting large amounts of personal identifiable information. As soon as some financial benefit from hacking smart devices appears, cyber criminals will find a way to take advantage of it. Muers/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/ServiceteamITLogo250.pngEmma Muers2018-05-08 10:53:062021-03-26 19:24:53What is the Internet of Things (IoT)?
This glossary is the second in the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) series. GDPR aims to bring data protection into the 21st century and it is easy to get caught up with what needs to be done to be GDPR compliant. What is less frequently elaborated on in blog posts are the reasons and principles for the introduction of GDPR. In my experience, I have found it easier to understand the practical implications of GDPR after breaking down the EU’s theoretical reasons for introducing the regulation.
I have found that many blog posts and articles seem to assume that you are a GDPR expert. As I am currently researching the General Protection Data Regulation, I am coming across websites which are unclear as to the very basics of the regulation and therefore I thought it would be useful to write some answers to GDPR FAQs to refer back to when reading some more complex documents. I chose these questions to ground more complex GDPR issues.
Charges that the research firm Cambridge Analytica have misused the information of over 50 million Facebook users has been like oil to a flame in questioning the privacy of social media. How much information have social networks stored about you? Williams/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/ServiceteamITLogo250.pngCara Williams2018-04-23 11:57:192018-04-23 11:57:19Is Deleting your Facebook Account the Only Way to Protect your Personal Data?
This is the first part of four of our GDPR Glossary. GDPR is an EU regulation to be implemented on the 25th May 2018 which seeks to give people more control over how organisations use their data, introduce greater penalties for organisations who fail to comply with these rules and greater protection for those that suffer a breach of data. Williams/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/ServiceteamITLogo250.pngCara Williams2018-04-18 11:09:112018-04-18 11:09:11GDPR: EU Law and National Law | 1 of 4 | Glossary
The tech industry in the UK has issued a warming to ministers that a transition away from EU data protection standards following Brexit will damage the UK’s status as a technology hub. Amid the growing misunderstanding amongst Brexiteers that diverging from the tough EU data protection laws will give Britain a competitive advantage compared to other EU states in this fast growing sector.
WHOIS, one of oldest tools on internet for verifying real identities, is at risk of being killed due to tough data protection with new GDPR regulations. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) comes into effect in May and is an attempt to strengthen European data protection. However, it is thought that some of the new rights and responsibilities will conflict with existing technologies that have provided transparency on the internet. Muers/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/ServiceteamITLogo250.pngEmma Muers2018-04-09 09:47:012018-04-09 09:47:01Experts warn new EU data protection law will protect scammers
How AI can revolutionise the insurance sector
For the majority of people calling insurance companies isn’t the most favoured activity. The insurance industry is one of the least innovative areas for customer experience. This is changing however and artificial intelligence (AI) is now playing a great role in this change. AI technology has the potential to disrupt the insurance industry and revolutionise consumer experience.
Is Consumer Email Deletion Necessary for GDPR?
Everyone has the right to protection of personal data, but the incoming GDPR regulation defines personal data as; any information that could be used, on its own or in conjunction with other data, to identify an individual. However, does the GDPR definition of personal data mean that we should delete all of our business and consumer emails to be compliant?
Xero 2FA: Two-factor Authentication in Xero | HowTo
Xero Two-Factor Authentication (Xero 2FA): We’ve covered the notion of two-factor authentication (2FA) and multi-factor authentication (MFA) before, especially how you MUST enable it for all sensitive accounts. Personally I include ALL users.
What is the Internet of Things (IoT)?
Dog collars to toasters are connected as part of the Internet of Things (IoT), with experts predicting that by 2020 more than 50% of new businesses will run on the IoT. However, cyber security and privacy are the biggest challenges for IoT, collecting large amounts of personal identifiable information. As soon as some financial benefit from hacking smart devices appears, cyber criminals will find a way to take advantage of it.
GDPR: Principles Behind the Introduction | 2 of 4 | Glossary
This glossary is the second in the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) series. GDPR aims to bring data protection into the 21st century and it is easy to get caught up with what needs to be done to be GDPR compliant. What is less frequently elaborated on in blog posts are the reasons and principles for the introduction of GDPR. In my experience, I have found it easier to understand the practical implications of GDPR after breaking down the EU’s theoretical reasons for introducing the regulation.
Your GDPR FAQ Answered
I have found that many blog posts and articles seem to assume that you are a GDPR expert. As I am currently researching the General Protection Data Regulation, I am coming across websites which are unclear as to the very basics of the regulation and therefore I thought it would be useful to write some answers to GDPR FAQs to refer back to when reading some more complex documents. I chose these questions to ground more complex GDPR issues.
Is Deleting your Facebook Account the Only Way to Protect your Personal Data?
Charges that the research firm Cambridge Analytica have misused the information of over 50 million Facebook users has been like oil to a flame in questioning the privacy of social media. How much information have social networks stored about you?
GDPR: EU Law and National Law | 1 of 4 | Glossary
This is the first part of four of our GDPR Glossary. GDPR is an EU regulation to be implemented on the 25th May 2018 which seeks to give people more control over how organisations use their data, introduce greater penalties for organisations who fail to comply with these rules and greater protection for those that suffer a breach of data.
EU Data Protection Regulation: Divergence or Allegiance?
The tech industry in the UK has issued a warming to ministers that a transition away from EU data protection standards following Brexit will damage the UK’s status as a technology hub. Amid the growing misunderstanding amongst Brexiteers that diverging from the tough EU data protection laws will give Britain a competitive advantage compared to other EU states in this fast growing sector.
Experts warn new EU data protection law will protect scammers
WHOIS, one of oldest tools on internet for verifying real identities, is at risk of being killed due to tough data protection with new GDPR regulations. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) comes into effect in May and is an attempt to strengthen European data protection. However, it is thought that some of the new rights and responsibilities will conflict with existing technologies that have provided transparency on the internet.